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Maximum Total Flood Volume4'x4'x6' = 96ft³ / 1.22mx1.22mx1.83m =2.72m³Reach Coverage Area 4'x4' = 16ft² / 1.22mx1.22m = 1.49m²Temperature Rating -20°F to 120°F / -29°C to 49°CCylinder Worthington /...
Maximum Total Flood Volume4'x4'x6' = 96ft³ / 1.22mx1.22mx1.83m =2.72m³Reach Coverage Area 4'x4' = 16ft² / 1.22mx1.22m = 1.49m²Temperature Rating -20°F to 120°F / -29°C to 49°CCylinder Worthington / Small DDIDiameter 3.5" / 8.90cmHeight 10.5"+3.5" Coupling Assembly /26.67cm+8.90cmCapacity 1.7lbs / 0.77kgUnit Weight 5.15lbs / 2.34kgShip Weight 10.2lbs / 4.64kgApprovals UL, ULC, CSFM, NYC #5754Propellant High Purity Compressed Dry NitrogenStandard System Activation: 155° Fahrenheit / 68.3°...
Maximum Total Flood Volume8.2'x8.2'x10' = 672.4ft³ / 2.49mx2.49mx3.05m= 18.91m³Reach Coverage Area 8.20'x8.20' = 64.24ft² / 2.5mx2.5m = 6.25m²Temperature Rating -20°F to 120°F / -29°C to...
Maximum Total Flood Volume8.2'x8.2'x10' = 672.4ft³ / 2.49mx2.49mx3.05m= 18.91m³Reach Coverage Area 8.20'x8.20' = 64.24ft² / 2.5mx2.5m = 6.25m²Temperature Rating -20°F to 120°F / -29°C to 49°CCylinder WorthingtonDiameter 7.50" / 19.05cmLength 11.38"+3.12" Coupling Assembly /29cm+8.60cmCapacity 7lbs / 3.18kgUnit Weight 25.25lbs / 11.45kgShip Weight 29lbs / 13.15kgApprovals UL, ULC, CSFM, NYC #5754Propellant High Purity Compressed Dry NitrogenStandard System Activation: 155° Fahrenheit / 68.3°...
CFP 1300LP The first of all the Low Profile units. The CFP 1300LP, formerly known as the CFP 1100LP, is designed to be installed horizontally, and to protect any space that is 10' x 10' x 13' or...
CFP 1300LP The first of all the Low Profile units. The CFP 1300LP, formerly known as the CFP 1100LP, is designed to be installed horizontally, and to protect any space that is 10' x 10' x 13' or smaller. With its larger coverage and low profile design the CFP 1300LP is a great solution for any application with a height or space restriction. Portable spaces, Conex box spaces, storage areas, conference rooms, grow rooms, lithium-ion battery applications and more. Any application where there is...
Maximum Total Flood Volume11.5'x11.5'x13' = 1719ft³ / 3.5mx3.5mx3.96m =48.5m³Reach Coverage Area 11.5'x11.5' = 132.25ft² / 3.5mx3.5m = 12.25m²Temperature Rating -20°F to 120°F / -29°C to...
Maximum Total Flood Volume11.5'x11.5'x13' = 1719ft³ / 3.5mx3.5mx3.96m =48.5m³Reach Coverage Area 11.5'x11.5' = 132.25ft² / 3.5mx3.5m = 12.25m²Temperature Rating -20°F to 120°F / -29°C to 49°CCylinder Manchester 11#Diameter 12.25" / 31cmHeight 8.38"+3.50 Coupling Assembly /21.27cm+8.90cmCapacity 15lbs / 6.80kgUnit Weight 29lbs / 13.15kgShip Weight 37lbs / 16.78kgApprovals UL, ULC, CSFM, NYC #5754Propellant High Purity Compressed Dry NitrogenStandard System Activation: 155° Fahrenheit / 68.3°...
Maximum Total Flood Volume15'x15'x15' = 3375ft³ / 4.57mx4.57mx4.57m =95.44m³Reach Coverage Area 15'x15' = 225ft² / 4.57mx4.57m = 20.88m²Temperature Rating -20°F to 120°F / -29°C to 49°CCylinder...
Maximum Total Flood Volume15'x15'x15' = 3375ft³ / 4.57mx4.57mx4.57m =95.44m³Reach Coverage Area 15'x15' = 225ft² / 4.57mx4.57m = 20.88m²Temperature Rating -20°F to 120°F / -29°C to 49°CCylinder Manchester 30# / Worthington 69#Diameter 12.25" / 31cmHeight 19.56"+3.50 Coupling Assembly /50cm+8.90cmCapacity 30lbs / 13.61kgUnit Weight 61lbs / 27.67kgShip Weight 65lbs / 29.48kgApprovals UL, ULC, CSFM, NYC #5754Propellant High Purity Compressed Dry NitrogenStandard System Activation: 155° Fahrenheit...
Maximum Total Flood Volume15'x15'x30' = 6750ft³ / 4.57mx4.57mx9.14m =190.89m³Reach Coverage Area 15'x15' = 225ft² / 4.57mx4.57m = 20.88m²Temperature Rating -20°F to 120°F / -29°C to 49°CCylinder...
Maximum Total Flood Volume15'x15'x30' = 6750ft³ / 4.57mx4.57mx9.14m =190.89m³Reach Coverage Area 15'x15' = 225ft² / 4.57mx4.57m = 20.88m²Temperature Rating -20°F to 120°F / -29°C to 49°CCylinder Manchester 30# / Worthington 69#Diameter 12.25" / 31cmHeight 19.56"+3.50 Coupling Assembly /50cm+8.90cmCapacity 50lbs / 22.68kgUnit Weight 81lbs / 36.74kgShip Weight 85lbs / 38.56kgApprovals UL, ULC, CSFM, NYC #5754Propellant High Purity Compressed Dry NitrogenStandard System Activation: 155°...
Maximum Total Flood Volume15'x15'x15' = 3375ft³ / 4.57mx4.57mx4.57m =95.44m³Reach Coverage Area 15'x15' = 225ft² / 4.57mx4.57m = 20.88m²Temperature Rating -20°F to 120°F / -29°C to 49°CCylinder Manchester 30# / Worthington 69#Diameter 12.25" / 31cmHeight 19.56"+3.50 Coupling Assembly /50cm+8.90cmCapacity 50lbs / 13.61kgUnit Weight 87lbs / 27.67kgShip Weight 90lbs / 29.48kgApprovals UL, ULC, CSFM, NYC #5754Propellant High Purity Compressed Dry NitrogenStandard System Activation: 155° Fahrenheit...
Our 6' x 6' x 20’ gas fired curing ovens meet all requirements to make them a Class A oven. We build our gas ovens with the user in mind as a quality, professional and cost effective addition to...
Our 6' x 6' x 20’ gas fired curing ovens meet all requirements to make them a Class A oven. We build our gas ovens with the user in mind as a quality, professional and cost effective addition to your curing process. This oven is built and tuned in house ready to to be piped in and tuned by your mechanical contractor.
Our 6' x 6' x 30’ gas fired curing ovens meet all requirements to make them a Class A oven. We build our gas ovens with the user in mind as a quality, professional and cost effective addition to...
Our 6' x 6' x 30’ gas fired curing ovens meet all requirements to make them a Class A oven. We build our gas ovens with the user in mind as a quality, professional and cost effective addition to your curing process. This oven is built and tuned in house ready to to be piped in and tuned by your mechanical contractor.
The self-extinguishing design of the Smokers Cease-Fire Smoke Receptacle will help ensure the sage disposal of cigarette ash and litter. The innovative design also keeps out rain and...
The self-extinguishing design of the Smokers Cease-Fire Smoke Receptacle will help ensure the sage disposal of cigarette ash and litter. The innovative design also keeps out rain and discourages unwanted trash being placed in the receptacle. Use this economical solution to eliminate unsightly cigarette litter in your parking lot and near you store.